Congratulations, you have successfully registered for SolarAPP+™! Reach out to to have your account
verified. Note: you will be asked to provide SolarAPP+™ hard copies of your contractor
license information for each participating jurisdiction.
Validate Jurisdiction
Based on your jurisdiction address, please select one or more of the following:
One or more AHJs for the given address are already in use on SolarAPP+™.
You’ve registered this account with email address: .
We are in the process of validating that this email address has authority to establish a SolarAPP+™ account.
Next, we need to know some basic information about
your current permitting process so we can better understand how to integrate SolarAPP+™.
Perfect, we've recommended an integration option
and outlined your next steps based on your information. Don’t worry though, you can
change your integration approach at any time throughout the process.